Not pregnant.
We will have a follow up consult on Monday to discuss the cycle and decide what — if anything — we want to do next.
Thank you so very much for all of the love and support that everyone has shown during this time. It has helped me so much, and has meant the world to me.
I’ll continue to update here until the time that our journey ends. Hopefully, it will have a happy ending some day. Just not today.
I’m SO sorry. I know there are no words that can be said to ease your pain right now, but don’t give up hope.
Best wishes,
I’m so sorry.will continue to think of you and your family until you find your happy ending!
So damn sorry…I don’t know what to say except while you’re sad, I’m just friggin’ pissed. Why the hell isn’t life/nature fair about things like this? Women who don’t want anymore kids or kids at all get pregnant all the damn time. Yet those who would be wonderful parents to another child fight tooth and nail, spend money, take drugs and can’t catch a damn break.
I’m heartbroken for you, Sommer and Skip. Please hold Calista tight and know you’re in my thoughts.
Oh Sommer.. I have been praying for you. I’m so sorry. My RE tells us all the time to do IVF and I just cant afford the $ and have it not work.. I would not make it if it was negative. You have proved to be strong and optimistic.. I’m amazed at how you’re ready to try again. Because of that, you will have more babies and here I’m still not. I admire you.
So so sorry. I wish I could do more. *HUGS*
I wish I knew why such wonderful people have to have challenges in life. If I could have one wish, I would wish that you could have your “just one more”. I believe you will, truly I do. I just wish it started today. Lots of love to you, Skip and Calista.
Big hugs and many prayers for your happy ending to happen soon.
Oh, Sommer. My heart is breaking for you. There really are no words.
Sommer, Good God my heart breaks for you. I’ve been through a failed IVF too, and nothing makes this any better. Not even time for me. My heart goes out to you that you find the strength to get through this horrible time with Skip and Calista at your side.
I am so sorry. You deserve to be a Mom again, don’t ever forget that.
I know your day will come! Big hugs!! Don’t give up!
I am so sorry this cycle didn’t work out for you…and I hope that you do not have to put your life in hock if you want to try another IVF cycle.
Will be thinking of you…. Tina