I’ve got a few moments before bed and wanted to post some updates. First, we have surpassed our minimum of 25 entries for the contest and are now at 35 entries! There’s two days left to get your entry in for a chance to win the 30 GB iPod w/ video or a $100 or $50 Amex gift card — click the banner above for details.
I’ve now got all of my medications in hand, and I can’t say thank you enough to my friends Jess and Leah who helped me out. I am so grateful to their help in making our second IVF attempt a reality.
I also remembered that we have $701.91 in available flex spending funds right now, and as soon as I get the invoice for IVF, I will send in for reimbursement for that amount. I will add that to our Income and Expenses page when I am done posting. :)
I’ve got my suppression check scheduled for March 12th and we start our meds on the 18th. It won’t be long now!
Well, I need to update the Income and Expenses page and then get to bed… it’s getting late.