We just got back from Seattle a bit ago — it was a long day. Skip drove me and we took Calista this time. She did pretty well through the appointments.
My cervix was long and closed, and I don’t have to go back for 3 weeks now! They are no longer concerned with pre-term labor issues. Not sure why/how it all changed — perhaps dehydration and stress were to blame a few weeks ago? At any rate, the peri was even talking about possibly having a delivery locally, which wouldn’t be able to happen unless I am at least 36 weeks, so she must be feeling pretty good about things!
I met with a nutritionist, was told to continue being a “couch potato” and not to do too much and that the boys were looking good. Baby A has slowed a little in his growth, which sounded worrisome to me, but Dr. H wasn’t worried, so I guess it’s no big deal.
Baby A weighs an estimated 2.5 pounds and Baby B is estimated to be just over 3 pounds now. They have also gotten into som weird — and painful — positions that result in shooting pains in my groin and ribs. I’ve ordered a “Baby Hugger” support garment in hopes of alleviating some of that pain.
Anyhow, it’s been a long day and I am beat. Just wanted to give a little update. Oh, we do have more ultrasound pictures, I’ll have to scan them this week. We have a funny shot up Baby B’s nose where you can see his nostrils and everything, and we saw Baby A opening and closing his mouth. Very cute. :)
U/S weights are a joke, but given you’re having such regular u/s at least you know the boys are growing well! Growth is good! Glad Calista did so well on the trip.
Thank you for updating! I think about you every day and love seeing your blog entries. Congrats on a great appointment! It’s been a good week for you and I’m so glad – – you’ve needed it!
Finally some good news. You’re on a roll this week!! No PICC line, healthy babies, healthy cervix, couch potato… you can’t ask for much more than that! So glad to hear it.
Happy to hear the good news :)
Yay! Sounds like the boys and mom are doing great!