Here are my bi-weekly belly pictures. Some have been flipped horizontally because I forgot which way to face when the picture was taken… oops.
4 Weeks… and glowing!
Waistline 28″, Weight 108 pounds
6 Weeks… and sick.
8 Weeks… and really sick.
Waistline 31″, Weight 109 pounds
10 weeks (+1 day)
12 weeks (+2 days)
14 weeks
Waistline 33″, Weight 111 pounds
16 weeks
Waistline 35″, Weight 112 pounds
18 weeks
Waistline still 35″, Weight 113 pounds
20 weeks
Waistline 36″, Weight 119 pounds
22 weeks 1 day
Waistline 37″, Weight 120 pounds
24 weeks 2 days
Waistline 39″, Weight 126 pounds
26 weeks
Waistline 40″, Weight 128.5 pounds
28 weeks 1 day
Waistline ??”, Weight 129 pounds
30 weeks
Waistline ??, Weight 132 pounds