The Cronck Family has Grown by Four Feet!

Dear Friends and Family ~

As most of you already know, our sons were born via emergency cesarean section on Friday, October 19.  They were premature at just 31 weeks but are doing quite well.  Ace was born at 9:33 pm weighing 3 pounds 11 ounces, and Nate was born crying at 9:34 pm weighing 4 pounds 7 ounces.

Both boys were airlifted to Seattle at 1:30 am on Saturday, October 20 to receive the special care that they need at this time and are there now.

I had a second surgery on Sunday, October 21 due to some problem with the original surgery and was finally able to leave the hospital yesterday.  I will be meeting the boys for the first time in just a few hours.

We are on our way to Seattle now and will be there for an unknown amount of time.  We hope to be able to keep friends and family updated via our website(s).  If you have not been there, Skip has posted pictures and info at our family site: This Blog has not been updated much yet, but in the coming days, I hope to get back to posting more about all that has happened.

Both sites have an option to “subscribe” to them via email.  At, you will see a “subscribe” link at the top of the page.  You can subscribe to receive an email when Skip posts pictures there.  On this Blog, there is a box in the right-hand column that you can enter your email into to get updates sent to your inbox when they are posted.

We’ve been asked what we need or how people can help, and at this time, our dear friend Lindsay is coordinating those efforts for us.  She can be reached via email at

We’re sorry we can’t update everyone individually at this time, but hope that our web sites will help keep everyone informed of what is going on.  We can’t say thank you enough for the outpouring of love and support we’ve received from everyone.

There are several pictures already at — I hope you enjoy them.


18 Replies to “The Cronck Family has Grown by Four Feet!”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Glad the boys are off to a good start. Hope you’re feeling better! Can’t wait to read all the details. Thanks to Nate for the pics and postings.

  2. I hope you are holding your precious boys as I type this Sommer! I pray that your boys continue to do well and that your recovery is easier by the day. Congratulations and well done – the boys are completely perfect!!

  3. Sommer, Skip and Calista,

    I have been following all of the information that has been available. Enjoy those boys! It sounds like they are doing well for 31 weekers. I know this time is stressful and being seperated IS NOT EASY, just realize they will be home soon. I am so glad to hear you are doing better. I look forward to all the information you have for us.

    Mom to Tara, Tyler (twins) and Bryce

  4. Really, really, really wonderful news Sommer, Skip, and Calista!!! Welcome to the family, boys!

    I was wondering why the blog was so quiet for these past few days…. :)

  5. Sommer, Skip and Calista ~

    I am thrilled for you all! Calista your two brothers are so lucky to have a big sister like you! They will always think you’re the best big sister ever!

    Skip and Sommer – Congratulations on the birth of Ace and Nate! It looks like they’re in good hands and before you know it they’ll be in their own beds at home. Thank you for all the updates. The boys are precious.

    A huge virtual hug to all of you!


  6. I wanted to say congratulations to your family! Your boys are beautiful! I am a preemie mom…my ds was born at 30 weeks…please contact me if you have any questions or need to talk to someone who has been there! Cherish those beautiful boys!


  7. Oh Congratulations to your family!!! The pictures are wonderful and the boys are absolutely beautiful. Little Calista is so darling as well, and what a wonderful big sister she is!!
    Sommer, I hope you have a quick recovery from the operation, but take this time while the boys are in NICU to take care of yourself so you are able to handle the upcoming challenge of bringing them home.

    Jennie (mom to preemie twins 2003)

  8. I’ve been following your blog and was so excited to find the link to the pictures of your beautiful sons! CONGRATULATIONS! They are absolutely gorgeous and perfect!!! You are going to love having boys!

    Mommy to Elliot and Oliver

  9. Sommer I am SOOOOO happy that the boys have arrived and I hope that the birth was not too traumatic fro you all-

    WOW they are SOOOOO cute!!!!! you did a great job growing them nice and strong-

    and I hope that you are feeling ok after your ordeal- enjoy your first moments with them and POST pix for all of us who live vicariously though the blog-

    congrats to the CRONK’s!!!

  10. Congratulations to you, Skip, and Calista, and best wishes for your boys to grow big and stay as healthy as possible during their hospital stay. I hope you have a speedy recovery as well.



    Loved looking at all the pictures. The boys are so precious and Calista is just as adorable as ever!

  12. Congratulations, Sommer! Your boys are beautiful and adorable. What lovely blessings! I will be thinking of you and your little ones.

  13. Congratulations Sommer, Skip & big sister Calista! Welcome to the world Ace & Nate! I have been thinking about and praying a lot for you and your wonderful family of five since I first heard the news last Saturday! I am glad that you will be reunited with your boys soon. Having had c-sections with Sean and my ectopic, I know what a difficult recovery it can be. Hang in there (((HUGS)))! I found that each day got a little easier, at least in terms of the pain. I am sure this past week has been awesome and scary at the same time, with everything you have been through. I am so happy for and proud of you and so glad that Ace and Nate are doing well! Love, Kathy :)

    P.S. – When you get a chance, no hurry I know you have a lot going on right now, I have a little news myself (so check out my blog)! ;)

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