Days 15 & 16: Pumping and Fatigue

I didn’t feel like updating yesterday because the fatigue has finally set in and I’m exhausted by the time Calista is in bed.  I have been pumping breast milk eight to ten times a day and nursing the boys two to three times a day, so four to six nursing sessions a day.  It’s very tiring, seeing as I have to pump or nurse every two hours to fit it all in a day.

I’ve been going to the hospital at 8:00 am each day.  I nurse Nate, then Ace nurses at 9:00 am.  I pump, then grab a snack or run errands from 10:00 am to 11:00 am when I head back to nurse Nate, then Ace at noon, then another pump before I leave at 1:00 pm.

Skip comes by on his lunch break during the week, and has been going to see the boys at 8:00 pm for Nate’s feed, and Ace’s at 9:00 pm.

It’s really great having them close to us, and Calista has been able to visit them more as well.  We all went last night and Calista held each of her brothers.  She loves to hold their hands and kiss them.  She also sang to them, and Nate was really alert and looking at her while she sang and kissed him.

As for the pumping/nursing, I’ve been worried about not having enough milk.  Up until today, it’s been a non-issue, because though they take in a combined total of 60 cc per day, they were taking 1/2 breast milk to 1/2 formula, so they only took in 300 cc of breast milk a day.  I have been pumping almost 600 cc, so I was having extra each day.

Today, however, they’ve been switched to 100% breast milk with human milk fortifier, so the pressure is on to produce 600 cc per day.  As I said, I am pumping eight to ten times a day (I mostly fit in nine pumps) and nursing four to six times a day.  I am taking Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle.  I am using breast compression when I nurse, and massage when I pump.  I am drinking plenty of water/fluids.  I am eating meals to keep up my calories.  I don’t like dark beer or oatmeal, but I’ve been told Gatorade and Cheerios (oats) help milk supply, so I’m eating a bowl of Cheerios a day (or two) and drinking lots of Gatorade.  I have noticed a slight but steady increase the past few days, so I hope it continues.

If, in a few days, I don’t notice the Blessed Thistle kicking in, I’ll look into getting Domperidone like I did with Calista.  It’s pricey, and not available in the US, but it works, so if I need to, I’ll get it.  I could take Reglan (and I have some at home) but it has a side effect of depression and anxiety and since I am prone to both, the lactation consultant felt it would not be good for me to take — and I agree.

The boys are getting the hang of nursing.  Nate’s best run is 16 cc at one feed, and he has been steadily increasing his intake.  Ace’s best run was 24 cc, but he’s usually around 18-20 cc per feed.  The goal is for them to take their full feeds from the breast.  For Nate, that’s 41 cc and for Ace, it’s 33 cc.  Meeting that goal is one of the criteria for going home.

They are also almost ready for the crib.  Nate is actually ready now, but because Ace is not and the space in their area of the Special Care Nursery is limited, they are going to wait for Ace to be ready and move them at the same time.  Ace needs to gain just a little more weight before they will move him, but the doctor said it should happen in the next four to five days.  That is just another step towards going home!

As of today, Nate weighs 4 lbs 11 oz and Ace is 3 lbs 13 oz.  They had lost quite a bit of weight at first, but now they are gaining about an ounce a day.  They are growing fast!

Well, I am tired and my head hurts, so I am going to call it a night.  I have ot be up early to pump and get ready to go see the boys again tomorrow.  :)

17 Replies to “Days 15 & 16: Pumping and Fatigue”

  1. You are doing a great job w/ nursing and pumping! Very tiring indeed, but well worth it in the end.

    The boys are doing so well! I hope this trend continues!

  2. HUGS to you Sommer! You are doing such an awesome job!

    As I sit here on the computer pumping my little man’s breakfast, I understand your fatigue and the long road ahead of you (in terms of pumping).

  3. Also, try Ovaltine. I don’t know why, but it helps with milk supply! (Plus it’s yummy!)
    You are doing great and the boys sound like they’re doing really well too!!

  4. I am so glad to hear things are going good. I am thinking of you all. Its so nice to hear how well they are progressing.

  5. Big (((hugs)))Sommer! I can’t even begin to imagine your exhaustion. I’m sure it will only continue and even be tougher at times, so take care of yourself! Try to eliminate running those errands each day if you can (maybe someone would be up for doing them for you). Just taking one more thing out of your day could give you a little more down time – and you need that! You are doing a great job! You are such a wonderful mommy to your kids!

  6. sommer, do you like oatmeal cookies? they work just as well as the oatmeal IME! Hang in there, you are doing soooo well!!

  7. You are doing such a great job!!! Your boys are so cute, and it sounds like they are doing great and growing well.

    I am a extender bf myself (2 years for both my girls, and nursing my 7 month boy) and don’t know if I could keep up with your pumping and nursing schedule! Good on you!!!

  8. What a great thing you are doing for them. I can’t even begin to imagine how exhausted you must feel but time will pass before you know it and it will start to get easier.

    Even though the boys can’t really communicate right now, I’m sure they get excited to see you every day. :)

    I hope they can come home soon.

  9. Sommer, I remember the constant pumping and feeding (and I only had one premmie) just keep going it is worth it in the end. B is still nursing a few times a day a 18 months.

  10. Keep it up you are doing great!!

    I hope everything you are doing increases your supply – I remember the issues you had with Calista – but that also reminds me what a determined Mummy you are!!

    The boys sound like they are doing great!

  11. Great job Sommer!!!
    I used the Lactation Blend by Vitanica and it worked well. It worked as well as Domperidone in the beginning when I was nursing full time. I’ll PM you on CMoms with a link.

  12. Sommer:
    I hope I don’t get bombarded here because believe me I know the benefits of nursing but right now the most important thing is the boys are here and are doing fantastic. After my son was born I tried nursing and just could not produce enough to satisfy him. I drank, ate, massaged, etc to no avail. I would sit up at night, crying because I thought I was a bad mom. Yes, breast is best, but so is your sanity. I look back at those nights full of tears and sadness and realize that I could have given myself a break and given him some formula. I ended up not having a choice because his health was most important and I don’t regret that one bit! Do only what you can and don’t push yourself further then that. Good luck and try to hang in there!

  13. You’re doing great girl! You deserve huge props for all the work you are doing with pumping and breastfeeding. I am tired just thinking about it all! (((HUGS)))

  14. Sommer,
    I had been thinking of you and I am overwhelmed with happiness to see you as a mother of three.

    Of course you must be so very tired. Hang in there and don’t forget that you are doing an AMAZING job. You should be so proud. I know I am proud of you.

    It has been a long time but for some reason I just had to look you up and see how you were fairing….lo and behold I read this beautiful news.

    Rest, eat, and nurse/pump….let Skip and family do the rest.

  15. KEEP UP THE GreAT WORK SOMMer!!!! your wee boys are thriving on your LIQUID GOLD!

    good for you!!!!
    thaks for the updates I love coming in to see what the boys are doing!

  16. GReat job Sommer! I remember the pumping/nursing GRUELING schedule with my preemie twins. It is so worth it, but I think it is the hardest physical thing I ever did. I never got them to nurse successfully (but they were my first) so I pumped for 3 months. They are now super healthy 5 year olds.I also think it is best to avoid Reglan. I was suicidal after taking it with my twins. I know it is hard to rest, but if you can find anytime to put your feet up, that should help with the supply issue too! Keep up the good work, you are giving your beautiful boys the best!

  17. You continue to amaze me with your strength, Sommer. I just had a lap/hysteroscopy yesterday and I am still bed ridden! And look at you up and nursing twins just days after a c-section. I’m such a baby!!

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