Day 17: No More Isolettes

Today is day 17 since the boys were born. We thought it would be a few days before Ace was ready to move out of the isolette and to a crib, but he gained all but 2 ounces he needed to meet the doctor’s goal weight, so the doctor let him move today. I haven’t seen them together in their crib, but Skip is there now, and I made him take the camera. I can’t wait to see them together in their bed.

The last step in our journey is their feedings. They need to be able to take all of their feeds by mouth before they come home. Right now, they vary in how well they breast feed. Their best feeds were each about half of their full feeds. They are progressing, but I’m afraid it might be painfully slow. We are so close to homecoming, but I know I can’t rush them.

I have been nursing them 2-3 times each a day, and maybe this weekend I will camp out at the hospital so I can nurse them more. I will have to ask the nurses if they think that will be beneficial to their progress, or too much work for them.

I’ve also just about got the nursery done now. It looks really cute, and I will have to take some pictures of it. I can’t wait to have my boys home.

Nate and Ace in their crib
Nate and Ace in their crib with their pumpkin hats on

17 Replies to “Day 17: No More Isolettes”

  1. Aw, just as they should be…together…can’t wait til that first pic in their nursery…won’t be long the way they are going! Such strong boys! I’m so happy for you!

  2. sommer congrats on the boys moving closer to you and family. also congrats on the boys moving to an open air crib. way to go Ace and Nate. Thye look so precious in their pumpkin hats. Kepp up the great work on breastfeeding and pumping sommer.

  3. Sommer you are doing AWESOME! I thought just nursing the boys was exhausting but you pumping…you are a ROCKSTAR! You will be so happy you kept breastfeeding! Keep it up. You can do it! We are all here to be your cheerleaders! Your pumpkins are so adorable and look so cozy together!

  4. Congratulations on your twin boys.
    I’ve heard you mention the nursery before so can’t wait to see those picture with the boys inside.
    Take care of yourself to mum.

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