Twice Blessed

I was just uploading some pictures we took today to our family web site at and was thinking about how lucky we are to have not one but two beautiful, healthy babies.  I can’t wait to have them home.

How sweet are these little guys?

Ace and Nate
Ace (left) and Nate (right)

11 Replies to “Twice Blessed”

  1. Hi Sommer,

    I’ve been following along in your blog after seeing you at CMoms. Congrats on your boys! They are beautiful! I’m very sure they will be home soon! As one of the nurses from the hospital my daughter was at, “they can’t stay in the NICU forever. One day they will grow up and go to college.” :)

    You’re doing great! I know it’s hard to be away from them, but they will come home!

    Much love from one preemie mom to another!

    April K.
    Mommy to Sophia born at 24 weeks now a healthy 4yr old.

  2. OH, how beautiful!! Rest up for when they come home, you will need your energy b/c I’m sure you will never want to set them down!

    You’re doing a GREAT job already, and they aren’t even home yet!

    :) Faye

  3. Sommer – they are absolutely adorable. I’m so happy for you and your family. It’s crazy how much Nate reminds me of Calista! Have a great weekend!

  4. Sommer – Your boys are just beauiful…and growing so well!!! You are truly blessed and so strong. Nate and Ace will be home soon (I’m sure you want them home today though). Thanks for sharing your journey with us all…it is truly an inspirition for me.

    My cousin had her son at 33 weeks just recently, and he’s still in the hospital getting bigger and stronger daily – waiting to come home, like your boys.

    Best of luck to you, honey! Your boys are so sweet!

  5. Hey Sommer! I had sent you an e-mail a week or more ago and was wondering why you hadn’t responded! Decided to go see where you were with the twins and just about fell out of my chair when I saw that you had delivered already! What an incredible journey for you…I’ve just spent like over an hour reading everything!!! I know it’s been a long road and these memories just started flooding in. Like I remember way back when you were trying to save money for invitro and of course the miscarriage and how devastated you were. I know how badly you wanted another child and for you to have twins makes this twice as exciting. I know you guys have been through hell and back but you made it girl and I couldn’t be happier for you and Skip and of course Big Sis Calista! I’ll be praying for the boys to eat more and get home soon. What’s funny is that right now you’re trying to cram as much milk down their throat as you can and in about oh 12 or 13 years, you’re going to be double mortgaging your house just to feed those guys! A ha ha ha! Big hugs from Texas and congratulations!

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