It’s About to Get Interesting…

Well, we’ve just been working on the feeding by mouth thing with the boys and they are improving. Ace took a full feed by breast yesterday, and Nate took one partially by breast and finished with a bottle. Today, the nurses asked if I can come in for more feedings, which is a step forward!

But to do this, it means I now need to be there for their 11 am, 5 pm and 11 pm feedings. Three trips a day to the hospital will be 3 hours a day driving, plus the time feeding the boys (usually takes about 2 hours each time with feeding, burping, changing, etc) and then pumping. I am going to be exhausted and worry about how we will afford all of the gas it’s going to take to make all the trips, but hopefully this part will be short lived.

After this part, it will be time for me to “camp”, which is when I stay at the hospital for a couple of days, give the boys every feed and as long as they take them all and gain weight, they will be discharged.

Please keep us in your thoughts over the next week and hope that we are in the home stretch and see the finish line very soon!

10 Replies to “It’s About to Get Interesting…”

  1. sommer you are never far from my thoughts….
    Think of this as the last stop before home! and Put it out there- and something will work out- it will hopfully only be a short time-

    I hear you on the gas issue- WHEW it is sooo $$$$ right now hey!

    good luck girl! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

  2. Sommer, oh , how I remember it well. Do they have a room nearby where you can catch a nap?

    When I had Bryce the hospital had a room right next to the NICU where mom’s could catch a nap, relax, pump, etc. I took quite a few naps in there…the nurse would come and get me if he was ready for a feeding!

    good luck! They will be home soon!

  3. Wooooot!!! Things seem to be coming along nicely and you are so close to bringing those boys home! I’ll send some extra energy vibes your way sounds as though things are going to be very hectic!

  4. Can you just stay at the hospital between two of the feedings?? Maybe not everyday, but just to save yourself some sanity & $$.
    I remember those days…we were living in a hotel, and in traffic I couldn’t make it there & back for feedings. I just stayed at the hospital…usually upwards of 12 hours/day. Longer near the end…

    It is good news that they are getting so close to coming home….congrats!

  5. My fingers are crossed so tight!!!! :)

    I think you’ll be home with those two little cuties VERY soon!!!!

    Hang in there. You are doing an awesome job!!!

  6. Just checking in on your blog after following your pregnancy and birth story on Ovusoft. Sending you lots of good energy and prayers for your healthy babies in the hospital as well as your little girl and hubby at home!


  7. I’m thrilled to hear that you are in the home stretch now. The boys are progressing so nicely. I will pray that you have the energy to get thru all of this until they come home!

  8. I’ll be prayer for you and your precious baby boys.
    You are doing an amazing job. As they say this to shall pass and you’ll have them home before you know it.

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