Sooner Than I Thought

When I got to the hospital last night to feed the boys, the doctor told me Ace had pulled out his nasogastric tube (NG tube, the tube that goes through his nose down to his belly and how he’s taken most of his feedings) and that they decided not to put it back in.  He had been taking his feeds by bottle since pulling out the tube.  Then he told me Nate followed suit and pulled his out and was also taking bottles!

It was so wonderful to see my babies for the first time without tubes or other things hiding their precious faces…  too bad I hadn’t brought the camera.

As if that beautiful sight was not enough, they both nursed like champs last night.  Nate took 50 cc (3 more than his full feed) and Ace took 38 cc (2 less than his current full feed, but enough that he didn’t need a bottle afterwards).

And, as if that was not enough, the nurse said that today I should see about setting up my camping room for Thursday night, which means if all goes well, they will come home Friday!

I am excited and very scared.  I want my babies home so badly, but I’m also really scared about having them at home — how will I manage??

20 Replies to “Sooner Than I Thought”

  1. OMG Sommer… Those are wonderful news!!!

    Just to know they are happy, healthy and AT HOME will recharge your batteries every day. I am SURE you will do an outstanding job as you’ve been doing up until now! ;)

  2. That’s great news, Sommer! I’ve been reading your posts each day and I love hearing about the great progress your boys are making. I hope to read about their homecoming very soon.

    Beth from Ovusoft and Twinstuff

  3. That is so wonderful!! It’s amazing the progress they have made so quickly!! Soon they’ll be home with you and big sister Calista!!



  4. First, congrats on your gorgeous boys. They seem to be doing absolutely wonderfully! A huge kuddos on the breastfeeding-not easy in itself, let alone with twins, and twins in the NICU away from home at that! You did a great job “growing” them and continue to do a great job nurturing them. How will you manage at home? Try not to worry…you just will. It just all will fall into place. Have faith in yourself, and in your boys. I bet big sis will be more than happy to help you, too. They boys will only thrive at home, as will your whole family. Congrats on the big news of their homecoming!

  5. Oh my goodness! I Just can’t believe how awesome they’re doing. What strong little boys!!! They are so ready to be home with mommy, and you will do so great. :)

  6. I think it is so cute that both boys pulled out their tubes on the same day. They are so in sync with each other! I will be thinking of you all tomorrow.

  7. Oh Sommer that is such great news! What a great day for you and the boys! Doesn’t surprise me they both pulled out their NG tubes! Don’t worry about when they come cause you will and already have tons of support. You and Skip will manage!

  8. That’s wonderful news!!! Don’t worry. You’ll manage. I’m sure it seems scary to think about but once you get those little guys home, a routine will fall in place and it won’t be a big deal. :)

  9. Great news Sommer. Those are strong, healthy boys.

    You will manage. I’m sure the hard part with twins is at the very beginning but as they grow they will always have each other. I helped my husband raise twin, deaf boys. We were always grateful that they were able to entertain each other. We had two others as well.

    You can do this!

  10. You will manage by taking it one day at a time. Not looking back and dwelling on the bad things and by remembering the amazing moments.

    The boys are just beautiful and it is so nice to see them w/o tubes! You can do this – you WILL do this. You are stronger than you give yourself credit. Keep reminding yourself of that!!!!

  11. You will do great! Camping and at home! Think of how much time you won’t have to be driving!! It won’t be without it’s challenges, but having them home will be so wonderful! Enjoy tonight with your boys!

  12. Home already?? Wow, that’s FANTASTIC!! I’m sure the first few months will be challenging, but you’ll pull through in fine form.

  13. That’s so WONDERFUL, Sommer. I am so excited for you to have your babies home. After all that you’ve been through to get them here–they are finally coming HOME!

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