Today has been hectic. Calista had off school early, so I had to get her. Dismissal is supposed to be 1 pm. At 12:55 pm I got up from my desk to go get her (school is right across the street from my work) and I see her walk in the door! This is the SECOND time she’s shown up at my work on an early dismissal day BEFORE school is supposed to be out. I called the school to confirm the ED time and they said “1 pm” so I asked why it was that my child arrives at my work up to ten minutes BEFORE 1 PM because she’s let out before I even get there to get her? No good answer on that, other than, “Classes getting ready a bit early.”
Granted, she is permitted (by us) to “walk home” from school as far as the school is concerned. But really, that’s just to allow her to leave her class group at the end of the day and meet me at the corner so I can walk her back to my work. And she’s a cautious little thing and very careful to cross at the crosswalk, make sure all cars are stopped before proceeding, etc but my intent is not for her to walk alone. I just think it’s dumb that they say dismissal is at 1 pm but then let the kids out 10 minutes early.
Anyhow, after that, she hung out at my office while I worked, and then it was parent/teacher conference day. I took her back over to school with me so she could browse the book fair while I met with her teacher.
Her teacher loves her, gushed over what a model student she is, how smart she is and all those lovely things. Her teacher also found it quite amusing when I relayed what a hellion Calista can be at home, and how when she’s acting up, I threaten to tell her teacher how she behaves for Skip and I and Calista freaks out. The teacher and I had a good chuckle. It’s good that she knows when and where proper behavior is expected of her, and can conduct herself accordingly. :) Oh, and according to the district (and her age), she should only be in first grade (but we circumvented that by sending her to a private Kindergarten to get an early start) and now in second grade, she reads at a third grade level. And she’s a star in math, too. Not too shabby!
That was done and then I had to get her to gymnastics because Skip was refereeing his first basketball game (he used to ref in his home town, but it’s been many years since he’s done it). I got her to gymnastics and FINALLY got back to work, only to get a call that Nate was throwing up at daycare. GAH!
I got packed up from work, got to daycare and poor Nate just dissolved into tears when he saw me. He must have been holding it together for daycare because he was just a sad little thing and melted into my arms when he came to me.
I got he and Ace home, and just as we pulled into the driveway, he had a huge throw up in his seat, poor guy. I got them both inside and set up in their bean bags (they love to relax in them and watch some TV after school) and than was panicking on how I was going to get Calista from gymnastics with poor Nate throwing up.
I put out an S.O.S. on Facebook and within minutes, our friend and daycare provider called and said she’d be right over. She sat with Ace and Nate so I could run and get Calista, and poor Nate threw up again while P was here. He threw up twice more before we got him down for bed. That boy is going to be starving in the morning, but I hope her gets some rest.
Now, I am exhausted! But all that drama aside, I have spectacular news to share. Drum roll, please…
DVR came through and approved me for assistance! Wow, wow, wow! I am not sure what percentage of coverage I will receive, but it looks like it *could* be 100%! OMG! I have a meeting with my counselor tomorrow to write my “plan” which will include DVR purchasing my hearing aids for me, and then I will be able to get them! Not sure how long from writing the plan to running to the audiologist will be, but I’m ready.
Now that leaves me with some generous donations I received on behalf of my efforts. My largest donation received is being refused for return service. The benefactor wants me to keep it, use it, or do as I will with it. Right now, I plan to get a streamer for the hearing aids that will allow me to connect to my cell phone, TV, iPod, and land-line phone through the hearing aids. Then, I plan to pay it forward to someone else, and I have someone in mind who I know will make great use of it for a personal journey of her own. More about that later.
In the meantime, if you donated any money via my Facebook Fundrazer, please let me know if you would like your donation returned to you, or paid forward to another person in need.
I have to get some work done now. More to come after my DVR meeting! And to think I felt so hopeless after the first time I went to DVR to inquire about services. Silly me. ;)