My sweet little buddies are five years old today!

I can hardly believe it. Those same little buddies we tried over 3 years to get pregnant with (well, we were trying for “Just One More…”); those sweet little buddies who caused so much drama and stress during my pregnancy; those sweet little buddies who came nine weeks premature and spent 31 days in the NICU.
Our struggle to have another child is why and when I started this blog. So many people have followed and supported us through the years, and I am very grateful for all of you. It meant so much – and still does – to have so many people cheering us on during some of the hardest times we’ve been through.
This was their birth story I wrote a few days after they arrived so suddenly: They continue to amaze (and frustrate!) me every day.
Thank you, again, everyone who reads or has read my blog, for your support through the years. And today I wish my boys the happiest of fifth birthdays!