I’m in a fundraising slump. I have a lot of offers from friends and acquaintances for more party-type things, which I totally appreciate, but I…
Category: fundraiser #1
We managed to raise $8,354.56 in just a few short months, and financed the remaining $4,333.33 on a home equity line of credit. Our total…
We did get the HSA reimbursement in time — $1,000 — so our total raised was $8,285.18!
We will be paying for our treatment in full next week, so fundraising is about done. We had a few more additions to the funds…
We’ve received $52.50 in donations (that’s after PayPal takes their cut), and I sold my fertility monitor on eBay! Plus, we got a reimbursement check…
Skip got his quarterly bonus from work, which brings our total raised to $5,719.90. I haven’t yet added the money raised from the Mary Kay…