I thought it wouldn’t matter if today’s test was BFN, because I’ve had so many and what’s one more, right? And, for the most part,…
Category: ivf #1
Well I went out and got some more tests. Dollar Tree and Equate say BFN. I used the same pee that was still in the…
Ok, I was totally thrilled with this morning’s test, and that says a lot, because I don’t get excited about lines unless I really think…
Sorry, no lines to take pictures of today. :( By 8-10 minutes, there was a line, but it was one of those only-an-obsessed-woman-with-super-hpt-vision-can-see kind of…
I did my morning test. Now I must tell you, I am super anal when I test. I get my watch and when the second…
Quick post — MIL is here through the weekend. Today’s test wasn’t very exciting. I got Accu-Clears yesterday, and did one yesterday (baseline test ;))…