Today I am 34w5d and had one last ultrasound to check on Shiloh’s position, fluid and get an estimated weight. She’s head down, fluid is…
Category: ultrasounds #3 (the surprise)
As a Christmas gift, we got an all-expense-paid trip to First Impressions Prenatal Ultrasound, a “boutique” ultrasound place here in town that does 3D scans. …
Today was out 20-week anatomy scan. That’s the “big one” where they check the baby’s development and – if you want – they tell you…
So I am going to cheat a little and back-date this post since I’m just now getting around to making it. :) We scheduled our…
I didn’t want to leave everyone hanging – but I feel like hell right now, so this update will be brief. I had another ultrasound…
We had our second ultrasound today. I didn’t post about the first one, which was at 4 weeks and 4 days. At the time, I…